Buying Groups FAQs & Tips


The benefits of joining or starting a food buying group 

·      Affordable access to nutritious food

·      Create a sense of community and connect over good, wholesome food

·      Bulk buying reduces the use of packaging

·      Purchasing food from a company that has similar values to you

·      Supporting your small-scale, regenerative, Aussie family farmers


Organisation & Communication

·      Usually one person is assigned the “group coordinator” and is in charge of placing the order and paying the bill

·      Arrange a way to communicate things such as when payments need to be made and orders will be collected or distributed

·      Email or private Facebook groups are effective ways to communicate amongst members


Financial commitments

·      All orders need to be pre-paid, so the coordinator needs to manage the payment before it is placed, or before the recurring payments are due to be made

·      Some current buying groups are seeing success after setting up a free group bank account which members deposit into before the order is made



·      We use four couriers to deliver your order

·      Free local delivery on orders between Batemans Bay and Eden

·      Sydney & ACT delivery is incorporated into the price of the order

·      Delivery is made to one location and members can distribute their eggs amongst themselves

·      Please advise us of Special Delivery Instructions when placing your order, especially if your order is being sent to a residential address


Packaging & Distribution amongst members

·      To reduce the amount of packaging required for your order your eggs will be packaged in catering trays which hold 2.5 dozen eggs each 

·      We encourage you to reuse your old cartons when distributing your eggs amongst members

·      In our experience, groups whose members have standing orders each delivery rather than fluctuating numbers, run the most smoothly